Green Valley Estates Villas Rules

Rules are enforced so that every member and resident respect each other and may share all common element amenities in a fair and equitable fashion. Please respect our community rules.



Knox Levine P. A.

demoGreen Valley Estates Villas Association is proud to announce that Counsel for the Association is Jessica Knox, Knox Levine P. A.

Updated: January 3, 2022


Vanguard Management Group

demoGreen Valley Estates Villas Association is proudly represented by Vanguard Management Group.

Updated: January 26, 2022


Board of Directors

demoThe Green Valley Estates Villas Membership is pleased to announce the 2024 Board of Directors.

Updated: January 3, 2023


Green Valley Estates Villas Rules and Regulations

The Pool

The Pool Rules and Regulations are for the protection and benefit of all members to assure the safe and sanitary operation of the pool facility. When reviewing these rules, you will find they are "common sense" rules, which are meant to insure the safety of pool patrons. Failure to observe these rules could also result in violations with the Health Department. Your cooperation is required to make the Green Valley Community Pool an enjoyable facility. These rules are to be enforced by the Associations Manager and the Board of Directors and ALL other home owners. Please be aware that as the actual property owner, you are responsible for your family and guests.

The Clubhouse

Clubhouse Policy Download

The Clubhouse in Green Valley Estates Villas Association is the focus of our meeting and social events. The Clubhouse is private property and a fixed asset common element. The Board of Directors recognizes that each owner, through their monthly assessment fees, contributes to the daily maintenance and utilities of the clubhouse. The Clubhouse may be reserved in advance for personal family events such as birthday parties and baby showers. Meetings and events that are not in the interest of the Green Valley Community such as public, religious, business, or social activities for profit will not be considered. Please use the Clubhouse Rental Agreement on the Information page.

Common Ground

The common areas are owned by the Association. Common areas and elements include all lawn
and landscaped areas, parking areas, pool, driveways, carports, perimeter fence,
maintenance building and clubhouse. Any damage to these areas will be considered
vandalism. Maintenance Request Forms are used to document problems/suggestions that the homeowner may have with items covered by the Association. Should you have further questions
regarding the Association please Contact Us. Maintenance requests are available online at using the webform on the Contact Us page or Maintenance requests forms are available at the door of the Clubhouse. These are printed PDF forms which allow you to make and keep a copy; however, a written/typed note from the owner will suffice.

Drone Use

The term “Drone” is as defined by Florida Statute Section 934.50, as it is amended from time to time. At the time of the adoption of this Rule, a “Drone” is defined as a powered, aerial vehicle that:

1. Does not carry a human operator;
2. Uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift;
3. Can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely;
4. Can be expendable or recoverable; and
5. Can carry a lethal or nonlethal payload.

In order to operate a Drone within the community, an individual must comply with the following regulations:
All federal, state, and local regulations, as they are amended from time to time.
This includes, but is not limited to the following:
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations
Florida Statute Section 934.50 (the Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act)
All Drones must be registered with the FAA
All Drones must have the FAA registration number marked on the aircraft before it is operated.
The mark must be by a method that ensures it remains visible, including permanent marker, a label, or engraving. The number must be visible without using tools.
All flying must be below 400 feet.
All flying must be done with visual line of sight between the operator and the aircraft.
Drones may not be flown directly over people.
Drones may not be flown over or near any emergency response efforts, including ambulance, fire, or law enforcement response to the community.
Drone operators may not be under the influence of alcohol or any drugs, legal or illegal.
Drone operators must be competent to control the aircraft.
Drone operators must have personal liability coverage for Drone operation. Such coverage may be through a homeowner’s insurance policy, from membership in the Academy of Model Aeronautics, or through another insurance policy. The operator must provide proof of such coverage to the Association upon request. Any damage caused to a common area by a Drone will be repaired by the Association, and all related costs will be assessed to the Unit/Lot with which the Drone was associated (e.g. Operated by owner, tenant, resident, guest, or family member). The Association is not responsible for and will not be involved in any Drone-related damage negotiations between individuals. This includes, but is not limited to, property damage and personal injury resulting from Drone use or misuse.
All Drones operated within the community are subject to inspection by the Association to ensure compliance with these regulations.

Speed Limits

The speed limit on Green Valley Road is 25 MPH however, when you turn into the community, the speed limit is 10 MHP and is strictly enforced. Please be safe, protect our community members and residents of all ages by driving carefully and watching for children, people walking and running for exercise.

Pets and the Dog Park

A Dog park has been made available for your convenience and use and is located under the power lines between Maben Circle and Maben Road behind E Building and extends down to the Well by D building. A Doggie station with free gloves and a disposal can located by the Well for your use. Please be courteous and pick up after your dog, as others use the park too. Violations may be recorded by our surveillance system and reported to the association for further action.

Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations Download

The Green Valley Estates Villas Associatio  strictly enforces its Rules and Regulations as safety, liability and fairness throughout the Membership the Community is first and foremost concern. The Green Valley Estates Villas Membership working through its Associations' Board of Directors updates these Rules and Regulations from time to time as State requirements change. It is a good idea to download these rules in a timely fashion to stay current. Updates are announced on our home page and at Board of Directors meetings which occur the third Tuesday of every month unless otherwise posted at the Associations' Clubhouse.



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